During the sales conference or line opening, the collection is handed over from the design organization to the sales organization. It’s the energetic start of the sales period and it’s up to the sales employees to translate the collection into potential sales in their market.
Often these meetings are used to gather feedback on the collections. Whether these are quantities for pre buys or commitments or qualitative feedback on commerciality to streamline the collection, this feedback needs to be processed quick and efficient.
PreSet presents the styles or style/colours on the iPad in a flexible manner. Relevant information such as pictures or line drawings, theme, prices and additional photos, can be displayed. The various characteristics of an item can also be used as dynamic filter per design, delivery or product type. This way it is easy to select a group of items to validate.

(E)valuations are simple. The item can be Strong, Ok or Weak. Or you don’t like it at all. A text functionality allows to enter comments to provide specific feedback. Self-made pictures can be added easily via the camera of the iPad.
When it is required to receive quantities from sales, to predict the total sales and margins, an extra field for quantity input can be activated. By forecasting the complete collection it is possible to identify the risks in the new collection: items with an high estimation but narrow distribution, items with low coverage, unbalanced delivery capsules or theme’s, over developed categories, etc.
The panel member simply selects the item to review and enters its valuation and the quantity and moves on to the next item. When done, the total quantity, value and turnover per selection can be viewed and checked against target.
PreSet has been developed to enable off line use, so the team can work anywhere, anytime. The evaluations, quantities and comments are automatically sent back to the central and secure server, as soon as the user is on-line. The feedback, both qualitative and quantitative, is directly visualized in an online report. This report shows how the items are perceived by the team and the consensus on the various items. Also the comments are shown so these can be discussed on the spot.
Apart from the information and evaluation of each individual item, you can use a dynamic cluster view to see the evaluation of items within a specific selection such as delivery capsule, theme or fabric. This will show the strong and weaker clusters, enabling improvement of the collection balance.

PreSet can also be used in the very early stage of collection development when prototypes are created to visualize the ideas and new developments of the design team. The over-development of a collection, creating more options then eventually needed for the market, is a common and necessary aspect of the design process. As soon as the creative team has made the first visualization of new designs and styles, prototype or adoption meetings are organized to approve the first design directions and agree upon further developments. These meetings are important milestones in the optimization process of the collection. Early feedback on the developments (in terms of variety and commerciality) will allow for important savings on development and sample costs. But also the early identification of missing items or trends will help to generate a profitable collection as this leads to a reduction of late additions.